What is the thyroid?
The thyroid is a small gland, shaped like a butterfly, that rests in the middle of the lower neck. Its primary function is to control the body’s metabolism (rate at which cells perform duties essential to living). To control metabolism, the thyroid produces hormones, T4 and T3, which tell the body’s cells how much energy to use.
A properly functioning thyroid will maintain the right amount of hormones needed to keep the body’s metabolism functioning at a satisfactory rate. As the hormones are used, the thyroid creates replacements.
The quantity of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream is monitored and controlled by the pituitary gland. When the pituitary gland, which is located in the center of the skull below the brain, senses either a lack of thyroid hormones or a high level of thyroid hormones, it will adjust its own hormone (TSH) and send it to the thyroid to tell it what to do.

The thyroid enigma and homeopathy
The thyroid gland is a bit of an enigma. Although the textbook descriptions are quite clear, it is not unusual to see someone who looks to have an over-active thyroid yet who, on testing, is found to be hypothyroid and vice versa. In addition, one often sees someone who has been diagnosed as being under-active and who has been prescribed ever-increasing doses of Levothyroxine, yet derives no symptomatic benefit. They may have been told that the thyroid is functioning in the normal range, yet they still have symptoms of fatigue, high cholesterol and are still clearly out of balance.
The aim of homeopathic treatment is to stimulate the body’s homeostatic or inner self-balancing mechanisms. In order to do this the individual ideally needs to be given the simillimum, the right remedy for them at that moment in time. Theoretically, that means that the right remedy could be one out of several thousand. In practice, however, we find that there is a manageable number of remedies that have a propensity to help the thyroid and the ones mentioned have all been found of value in my practice. Interestingly, the same remedies can sometimes be indicated in situations of both over-activity and under-activity. It is the individual that is being treated, rather than the condition.
Conventional treatment for thyroid involves a lifelong medication or surgery. Homeopathy is a best way to treat thyroid without any side-effects and also it is a painless procedure to cure and get relief from it permanently.
Conventional medication entails taking supplements of the hormones whereas homeopathy treatment for thyroid stimulates better functioning of the thyroid gland so that it can produce the hormones on its own.
Our immune system is under constant attack from toxins within air, water and food supply. These pollutants, over-stimulate our immune system, create autoimmune reactions and damage thyroid function. In Homeopathy treatment for thyroid, we provide constitutional treatment, which focuses on improving the function of the thyroid gland by natural means. The constitutional remedies will stimulate the body to reactivate thyroid secretions. In our thyroid treatment we will help to boost energy, improve circulation and thereby help balancing hypo as well as hyperthyroid functions. It may be also used as a supportive help for regulating both hypo and hyper thyroid functions.
Homeopathy treatment for thyroid can also reduce the dependency on external supplementation of the hormones and ensure good health in general.